Monday, October 22, 2012

It's All About Me

So this weekend the weather held and the hubster and I were able to go out and take some pictures. Now, after reviewing them, I understand why I have taken so long to come up with an author pic. I do not care for having my picture taken. I usually have some dopey expression or I'm standing awkwardly looking uncomfortable, and then I'm left wondering if this is how I'm going through life--awkward with a dopey expression. Anyway, because I am becoming the most indecisive person ever, I''ve narrowed down to three.

Option A. (Incidentally, this is the hubster's and my mom's favorite. I think my face looks too puffy.)

Option B. (This is the one I'm leaning toward due to a less puffy face.)

Option C. (Cool angle, but puffy face issues again. Sigh.)

Or maybe I should just go with a picture of a horse.

Or some corn.
Any thoughts?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Zombies, Rain and Random Lines

In case you're wondering, the season premier of The Walking Dead was well worth the wait. The ground work for future episodes looks good. Though, I was left wondering why, oh why, the group would allow their only doctor to go exploring the dark, zombie filled prison? That decision just had bad idea all over it.

This weekend went by in the blink of an eye. (They always do, don’t they?) The hubby and I were supposed to take some pictures. I need a new author pic—actually, I need an author pic--and we figured this time of year would provide a lovely, atmospheric background. Unfortunately, it poured rain all day yesterday, and that would have been too much atmosphere.

I did however get some writing done, and since I'm particularly pleased with how this story is flowing--at least for now--here's a random, unedited line. Happy Monday!
The Devil's Shadow
Copyright Dawn Brown 2012
Kyle reached out for his pen and pad. His responses from his conversation with police earlier that morning seemed to glow from the top sheet. The detectives had been in again--third time since he'd been admitted--but his answers were always the same.
I don't know.
I don't remember.
I'm sorry.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Zombie Sundays Are Back!

It's Friday (yay!) but I can't wait until Sunday. Why, you might be asking? Because look what starts up again this Sunday.

Yup, season three of The Walking Dead. I can't not stress how excited I am for zombie Sundays again. Which is kind of strange when I think about it since the show is sort of stressful to watch. For an hour every week I will sit on my couch, eyes wide, body tense and a sick nervousness settled in the pit of my stomach...and I can't wait to do it.

What can I say? I love a good spooky movie/story/tv show. And look, Merle's back! I knew he would be eventually. I have some theories about where he's been, but I guess I'll have to wait to see if I'm right.

Aside from the kid's game, we have nothing else planned.  I'm kinda looking forward to no rushing around this weekend and just spending time with the family. And of course Zombies.

Might even squeeze in a little writing in too.

What are you doing this weekend?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Confessions of a Bad Blogger

Yeah, I suck. I know. On the upside, based on the above photo I have no more excuses. My computer woes have come to an end with the purchase of a new laptop. Convenience won out over sturdiness.

Things that I love  about my new computer: it's small, light and comfortable to use and no more Vista. Things I don't like: the stupid Norton Anti-virus software that keeps popping up even after I have clicked numerous times that I don't want it.

As a special treat to me, I also purchased new Office. Yes, I have finally upgraded from word97. It's a whole new world, I tell you.

So since it's been so long here's what's new with me. I'm hard at work on The Devil's Shadow. I'd love  to be done the first draft by the end of the month so I can work on The Devil's Due for Nano. Though, I might be about two weeks too ambitious, but we'll see.

I'm reading Nowhere to Hide by Nancy Bush. I read Nowhere to Run and loved it, so immediately purchased the second book.

We just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving here. Lots to thankful for this year--like not having to cook Thanksgiving dinner. ;-) Just kidding...sort of. We spent most of the week visiting family and at the kid's game.

 I've pulled a muscle in my neck and am presently writing this in bed wishing I could get comfortable.

I guess that's it. We're caught up. What's new with everyone else?